Postcode: 60549 Frankfurt a.M, Frankfurt, Germany. Keep up-to-date with technology and innovation, now and in the future.

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Get the insights that Matter. Here you can learn more about what has been done at the airport, the general travel restrictions now in place, and the shops and restaurants that are currently open for you. Working hours Everyday : 06:00-18:00. #SafeAtFRA.

We want you to be able to fly from Frankfurt Airport safely and without worries.

Frankfurt – AVIAREPS AG Kaiserstraße 77, D-60329 Frankfurt Tel. Turkish Airline Frankfurt Airport Office Address: Frankfurt Airport Terminal 1 Hall B Counter 614-615. They also help us to improve and evaluate website content, in addition to SIXT product advertisement, so that we can deliver a better experience to our users.

Shopping and dining. Find a list with open shops and restaurants here

Tel. More information.

Frankfurt Airport (operational office only) Telephone: +49 69 690 31575 Fax: +49 69 690 59362 Email:
Frankfurt Ticket counter: Email: The detailed information for each airline shows the terminal, check-in and arrival area and the contact details. +49 69 77 06 73 028 E-mail:

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Turkish Airline Reservation office telephone contact numbers: Email: Baggage: frabag@THY.COM , Airport: AIRPORT.FRA@THY.COM Fax: 49-69-69 03 92 31. Stay updated on the latest openings og shops, restaurants and services at Copenhagen Airport. +49 69 77 06 73 030 Fax.
Paris – Air Namibia France. Over the last few weeks, we have therefore implemented a long list of measures to safeguard your health. The list of airlines shows all carriers operating regular services to Munich Airport.

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