ISM officials say preparations for the 50th edition of the world’s largest fair for sweets and snacks are continuing as planned amid growing concern over the spread of coronavirus in China and beyond.. A spokeswoman for trade fair organizer Koelnmesse said the organization is receiving enquiries about the virus ahead of the event, set for Feb. 2-5 in Cologne, Germany. VOX ISM is concerned and committed to the health of it’s employees and our customers. ISM Update on the 2019 Novel Coronavirus. As of June 1, 2020. Die ISM in Köln, Weltleitmesse für Süßwaren und Snacks, bietet Ihnen Impulse, Innovationen, spannendes Networking, hochkarätige Aussteller und fachkundige Besucher in einer weltweit einmaligen Kombination. COVID-19: ISM writes to the Chancellor urging further amendments to financial measures; COVID-19: The Chancellor's statement; Related services for ISM members. ISM Updates on the Coronavirus Important News March 13, 2020 ISM. 24-hour personal support and advice helpline Hier finden Sie auch das weltweit größte Angebot an Handelsmarken im Bereich Süßigkeiten und Snacks. Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters. Under the General Community Quarantine (GCQ), only Overseas Foreign Workers (OFWs), Filipino citizens and their spouses and dependents, permanent residents, and foreign diplomats are allowed to enter the Philippines. In light of the global concern of the Coronavirus we are adhering to the recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the CDC with respect to taking prudent and conscious protection measures. Dear Customers and Partners of Koelnmesse, it is our firm goal to hold ISM at the planned time from 31.01. to 03.02.2021 in Cologne on our trade fair grounds. An ISM member shares his experiences of moving to performing and teaching online since the COVID-19 outbreak COVID-19: Funds for musicians Funds open to support for UK musicians during the Coronavirus pandemic. In an effort to reduce the spread of the coronavirus and to protect the health and safety of the general population, government agencies, businesses, religious groups, sports groups, political groups and many others are making major changes in their programs. ISM campaigning for musicians.
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